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Sint Jozef Aarschot visits VUB to apply photonics within Quantum SpinOff project


STEM project Quantum SpinOff introduces modern physics to 6th years students in Science Mathematics. Today students from Sint Jozef Aarschot visited VUB B-PHOT research group to learn how photonics can be applied in innovative projects.

During the first visit, professor Heidi Ottevaere shared different real-life projects illustrating both fundamental and applied photonics research integrated in sustainable R&D. In addition they got introduced to a photonics workshop for hands-on experiments by Tine Depauw.

Now they started working on their own mini-projects linked to the topics of class courses in physics and quantum physics. An intensive workshop guided by one of our researchers, Andrea Ceglia.

The aim of Quantum SpinOff , coordinated by the Expertisecel Art of Teaching UC Leuven-Limburg, is to bridge modern science with high-tech entrepreneurship.