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VUB TechTransfer supports projects financed by the Industrial Research Fund (IOF). Flemish universities receive this government funding according to their valorization output performance: contracts with industry, the number of patents and spin-offs, share in the European Framework Programme for R&D.

The VUB invests IOF funding in IOF knowledge centers that exceed the average scale of a standard university’s research unit. The funding supports them in carrying out outstanding strategic research and developing new application-oriented inventions with economic potential.

The first priority of the IOF funding is the further establishment of a portfolio of potentially applicable and transferable know-how with economic and societal value. It also finances short-term proof-of-concept projects ( POC projects)

B-PHOT as IOF knowlege center :

  • IOF Accelerator : Cross-KET Photonics : B-PHOT's third industrial innovation and valorisation wave ( 2018-2021)
  • IOF GEAR project ( 2016-2020)
  • IOF program TONA ( 2006-2015)

Proof-of-concept projects :

  • MIC-STRIP : Combat microbials in humans and animals with the MICSTRIP concept – towards a spin-off company
  • Paradigm shift in optical design: a computer-based holistic direct design method covering a wide range of photonic applications
  • MIC-STRIP: development of a microfluidic strip and device for rapid and accurate determination of the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of antibiotics
  • The valorization of a portable optical measurement system for the non-destructive, in situ characterization of cultural heritage materals
  • Financiering IOF-Proof of Concept: aantonen van de systeembetrouwbaarheid van een nieuw projectiesysteem voor driedimensionale visualisatie

The IOF funded projects are strongly link to the different innovation activities of B-PHOT