Tushar Malica
Dr. Ir. Tushar Malica is a postdoctoral researcher at B-PHOT Brussels Photonics. She started in January 2024. Her expertise is in the field of characterization of novel laser systems, mode-locked lasers, nonlinear laser dynamics, and chaos. Her current research interests lie in the application of her expertise towards integrated photonics with a goal of designing proof-of-concept photonic all-integrated circuit chips. Her ongoing projects are supported by the ERC project COLOR’UP at B-PHOT.
Prior, she was a postdoctoral research scientist at the Chaire Photonique, and Laboratoire Matériaux optiques, photonique et systèmes (LMOPS) at CentraleSupélec and Université de Lorraine (France) from 2019 to 2023 where she worked on optical-feedback delay systems, mode-locked lasers, and optically injected frequency combs. As a recipient of the 3-year international Macquarie Research Excellence Scholarship (iMQRES), she received her PhD in laser physics from Macquarie University (Australia) where her research was in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde (U.K.), M-squared lasers Ltd (U.K.), and Bangor University (U.K.). She is an alumnus and a scholarship holder of the M.Sc. in Photonics Science and Engineering, a joint- program between VUB and Ghent University. She also holds a four-year bachelor's degree summa cum laude in electronics and communication engineering from Bundelkhand University, India.