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Photonics Research & Innovation Actions

Please find below the current Research and Innovation Action in which B-PHOT is strongly involved. Underneath you can also find the link to projects that are already finalized.

Current Projects

Please find below the current Research and Innovation Action in which B-PHOT is strongly involved in most cases as coordinator.

PhotonHub Europe (2021-2025)

Pan-European photonics digital innovation hub to help SMEs and mid-caps to become highly competitive digital businesses through faster and smarter deployment of photonics-based technologies.


VortexLC, short for 'Vortex enhanced liquid chromatography for HbA1c monitoring based diabetes management in a globalized setting', involves collaboration with six European partners.


The European Photonics CAReer LAunch Pad wants to create a sustainable career camp of excellence for the European photonics community that encourages STEM university students and young researchers to pursue careers in photonics.

Past Projects

B-PHOT has a strong track record in the coordination of EU projects. Please find here some of the past projects.

Origin (2020-2022)

Optical Fibre Dose Imaging for Adaptive Brachytherapy

ACTPHAST4R (2019-2022)

Accelerating Photonics deployment via one stop shop advanced technology access for Researchers

NewControl (2019-2022)

NewControl will develop virtualized platforms for vehicular subsystems that are essential to highly automated driving.

ACTPHAST 4.0 (2017-2021)

Accelerating Photonics innovation for SME’s: a one stop-shop-incubator

Phablabs4.0 (2016-2019)

PHotonics enhanced fAB LABS supporting the next revolution in digitalization

SHERLOC (2015-2019)

Structural HEalth Monitoring, Manufacturing and Repair Technologies for Life Management Of Composite Fuselage

Myrte (2015-2019)

MYRRHA Research and Transmutation Endeavour

Inspect (2015-2017)

Integrated Spectrometers for Spectral Tissue Sensing

GoPhoton! (2014-2015)

GoPhoton!, a coordination and support action to bring Photonics closer to society.

ACTPHAST (2013-2018)

Access Center for Photonics Solution Services an Technology Support

VECTOR (2012-2015)

Versatile Easy installable Connector incorporating new Technologies for accelerated fibre Optic network Roll-outs in Europe

Euminafab (2012-2013)

Research Infrastructure for emerging multimaterial micro and nano technologies.

SMETHODS (2011-2014)

SME’s Training and Hands‐on Practice in Optical Design and Simulation

ACTMOST (2010-2013)

Access to Micro Optics Expertise, Services and Technologies

EXPEKT (2010-2012)

EXPEKT- Photonics Explorer - Developing a photonics educational kit for Europe's secondary schools.

Photonics4Life (2008-2012)

Photonics4life is a network of Excellence on Biophotonics

ICU (2008-2011)

Infrared imaging components for use in automotive safety applications.

Phosfos (2008-2011)

Photonics Skins for Optical Sensing

NEMO (2004-2009)

Network of Excellence on Micro-Optics