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Accelerating Photonics innovation for SME’s: a one stop-shop-incubator

ACTPHAST (ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator) is a unique one-stop-shop rapid prototyping incubator for supporting photonics innovation by European companies, which is financially supported by the European Commission under Horizon2020 (Grant Agreement No. 779472).

ACTPHAST4.0 supports and accelerates the innovation capacity of European companies by providing them with direct access to the expertise and state-of-the-art facilities of Europe's leading photonics research centres ( the ACTPHAST4.0 Partners), enabling companies to exploit the tremendous commercial potential of applied photonics. There are 24 research institutes who together make up the ACTPHAST4.0 Partners.

Together the ACTPHAST4.0 Partners provide a full spectrum of photonics technology platforms ranging from fibre optics and micro optics, to highly integrated photonic platforms (7 technology platforms in all), with capabilities extending from design through to full system prototyping.

ACTPHAST4.0 operates as an open call to all European companies (big and small, but particularly targeted at SMEs) so they can avail of timely, cost-effective, and low risk photonics innovation support, and that the extensive range of capabilities within the consortium can impact across a wide range of industrial sectors and application domains, from communications to consumer-related products, and life sciences to industrial manufacturing.

Explore how ACTPHAST4.0 can support your company with photonics innovation